Code Corporation & SHI

Empowering intelligent decisions through data capture

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Code's industry-leading data capture solutions make processes more efficient. Eliminate misreads and failed scans with our near zero-miss decoding technology with 99.9995% accuracy. From soft scanning on mobile devices to durability to infection control, we have what you need. Code’s healthcare products are fully stocked and ready to ship.

SHI is a member of the exclusive CodeAlliance Partner Program, which brings better pricing and value to SHI customers. Code values SHI industry leadership in the healthcare and public sector spaces and are proud to partner with them in many hospitals, education, and retail facilities. 

Video Transcript: Code Corp External PDC Certis C1 30 Introduction Video

Hi, I'm Carl Steinmetz, PDC Product Line Director.

Meet the Certis C130, the ultimate solution for worry-free wristband printing in healthcare facilities. Designed to streamline patient ID workflows, the Certis C130 ensures reliable and efficient printing of patient information and barcodes onto ID wristbands.

No jams, no workarounds, and no headaches. With the Certis C130, the printer realigns the wristband after every print. You will enjoy jam-free printing and minimal IT involvement.

Certis C130 is designed exclusively for PDC's industry-leading ScanBand Soft and DR wristbands.

Featuring a specially designed wristband carrier, the Certis C130 allows for easy drop-in loading, ensuring efficient changeovers and reduced waste. Think of it as a key fitting snugly into a lock.

The open-face carrier design allows for visibility and easy monitoring of wristband usage.

Engineered with IT in mind, the Certis C130 is designed for easy network setup and integration. Compatible with leading EMRs, it comes with a PDC Print Utility mobile and desktop app for easy maintenance and troubleshooting. No patient data is stored, ensuring HIPAA compliance. Our industry-leading warranty provides peace of mind.

So, whether you're considering switching to a thermal printing solution for the first time or you're looking to improve your existing thermal printing solution, the Certis C130 is the right solution for worry-free printing.

Talk to a PDC representative to get started with a demo.


Benefits of Code solutions through SHI

Health hardware icon

Healthcare, hardware, and software solutions

Code is chosen by more facilities than any other scanning solution. With many customization options, Code scanning is ideal for many healthcare workflows such as POC, admin, labs, pharma, and supply management. Conquer infection control with the patented CodeShield plastics — created to hold up under the most aggressive cleaning chemicals.

Health software icon

Industrial solutions

Code scanning technology. Brady industrial durability.  Brady and Code have teamed up their expertise to get you better visibility in your facility.  Ruggedized performance, purpose-built for manufacturing, warehouses, and the toughest industrial environments.

Public building icon

RFID solutions

Track your reindeers, track your personnel, track your products. Whether you need visibility on your products, heat monitoring on complex components, more efficient value chain or faster logistics, RFID is the solution for you. We use the RFID technology we love to build the best solutions for your needs.

SHI is a National Partner Level of the Code Alliance Program for 2024.

Authorization Levels

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Enhance customer experiences with advanced technology and products

Experience industry-leading data capture and unparalleled support

Increase visibility for data-driven decisions using our tools and resources

Ready to learn more? Contact SHI to discuss Code solutions for your organization.

Contact us today to get started!

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