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Advanced AI Labs

Prototyping AI use cases and workflows with cutting-edge technology

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Unsure where to begin with AI?

SHI's Advanced AI Labs offer a safe and supportive environment to:

  • Explore next-generation AI technologies.
  • Validate use cases.
  • Confidently deploy AI solutions.

Get proven tools and expert guidance that will help you de-risk your journey and accelerate success. Learn more about our solutions below.

An individual holding a stylist pen and working at a computer in an office environment where employees are engrossed in their work, illustrating concentration and productivity

Advanced AI Demo Lab

Get hands-on with our Advanced AI Demo Lab. Our certified AI architects and engineers will guide you through real-world use cases like:

  • Code generation.
  • Intelligent automation.
  • Conversational user interface.
  • Anomaly detection.
  • Vision AI (video analytics).

You’ll be able to identify the perfect mix of AI solutions for your organization's needs before investing serious resources.

Discover the newest AI infrastructure 

A group of professionals collaboratively engage in discussions, brainstorming ideas, and working on a shared project in an office environment

AI Platform Lab

Experience the power of leading AI platforms like Microsoft Copilot, ChatGPT, and Google Gemini within a secure and fully integrated environment. Our experts help you configure and deploy these solutions to accelerate code development, enhance communication processes, and drive collaborative innovation with confidence.

Start experiencing AI platforms 

A person in a white shirt is coding at a desk with multiple computer monitors, illuminated by their glow

AI Pilot Lab

Only 30% of AI initiatives successfully transition from proof-of-concept to full deployment. Our secure sandbox environment allows you to experiment freely and test multiple use cases, helping you:

  • Evaluate different technology stacks.
  • Fine-tune your approach.
  • Ensure a successful production rollout.

In our secure environment, SHI’s experts guide you through comprehensive technology evaluations, tailored to your specific AI requirements, which ensure scalability, performance, and cost-effectiveness.

Explore SHI’s AI sandbox environment 

A group of professionals collaboratively working around a table with laptops and papers

Related resources

A person working on a laptop with text below reading 'solve whats next webinar series'

AI and the Microsoft Ecoverse: The citizen maker conversation 

Join us for an exciting webinar as we take you on a thrilling journey through the Microsoft AI Ecoverse! Available now on our Solve What’s Next webinar series.

A modern data center with rows of tall, sleek server racks in a clean, well-lit room

Data center foundations: A comprehensive guide on how to choose the right rack cabinet 

When choosing rack enclosures and accessories, asking the right questions can have a major impact on your data center's efficiency and hardware lifespan.

February 02, 2024
A thermostat indicating an overly warm temperature

Beat the heat: How to confidently make a cooler modern data center 

Data centers are evolving. Your cooling methods should too.

January 18, 2024

Contact SHI today to discuss how our AI solutions can unlock your business potential.

Reach out to get started!

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