Adoption and Change Management (ACM) Services

Fast track technology adoption to deliver critical business outcomes.

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Change is not easy. SHI can help boost adoption and make your technology rollout a success.

For a technology change to be successful, organizations need to consider not only the implementation but also the people impacted by the change. Often, major changes are accompanied by steep learning curves and employee reluctance. That’s why organizations need effective adoption and training to help employees realize the promise of technology.

Employing years of training experience and learning approaches, we work collaboratively with your teams to make training easy, and drive meaningful, committed adoption across your organization.

Our services include:

  • ACM foundations workshop
  • Communication plan
  • Champions program development
  • Persona development and training plan
A finger presses a holographic screen that indicates cloud uploading

How to fully realize the benefits of new technology via adoption 

Explore the importance of end-user adoption and training and critical best practices for effective change management.

August 16, 2022

Related resources

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6 ways you can support technology adoption and change management 

Discover how to drive adoption, secure employee buy-in, and increase ROI for your new technology deployments.

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Introducing new tech? Here’s how to support employees through change 

Your employees are your most important asset – support them with training and communication.

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SHI’s guide to Adoption and Change Management 

Explore five ways to maximize your tech ROI, driving adoption and value across your organization.

January 17, 2022

Boost adoption across your organization and get more value from your technology implementation.

Contact us today to get started!

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