SHI Healthcare

Providing safe and secure patient care across home, virtual, and traditional environments

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Balance security, innovation, and efficiency with healthcare IT solutions from SHI.

Our mission is to improve patient outcomes by co-creating safe and modern digital solutions for healthcare providers. Our personalized virtual care pathways not only expand your reach but also help reduce illness and readmissions.

With over 1500 partner organizations, SHI Healthcare is transforming care delivery models through secure IT infrastructure and provides advanced telehealth solutions that fit seamlessly into clinical workflows. Our patient-centric approach can help you bridge the gap between care settings, leveraging technology to optimize the patient-care continuum — all while mitigating security risks and maximizing resource utilization.

Video Transcript: ViVe 2024 SHI | Healthcare

Staying a step ahead in healthcare isn't always easy. To solve what's next, you need a diverse team of industry experts, trustworthy partners, and equitable solutions.

You need SHI Healthcare.

We deliver healthcare IT that empowers your clinicians and improves patient outcomes wherever that care is given. In fact, a move from hospital to home based care can reduce staff shortages and burnout, transform operational deficiencies, and reduce risk from cybersecurity threats.

SHI helps you tackle these issues and more. All through a lens of diversity, equity, and inclusion as the largest minority and women owned business enterprise in the United States.SHI Healthcare can elevate your IT environment and resolve your operational challenges. That way you can focus on what really matters, delivering quality care for all.

Are you ready to solve what's next for your healthcare organization with a DEI focused partner? Contact SHI Healthcare today to sign up and learn more.

Group purchasing organizations (GPOs)

Through SHI’s leading group purchasing organizations (GPOs), healthcare providers get maximum value out of their IT products and solutions—with ease of procurement, spend management, and supply chain flexibility.

Revolutionize patient care delivery and practitioner experiences.

Two individuals discussing server configurations in front of a server rack

Next-generation infrastructure

We help you select, deploy, and manage patient-centric IT infrastructure that securely connects your entire healthcare ecosystem. That way, you can experience seamless care coordination across clinical workflows, hybrid data centers, and remote networks.

Learn more 

A person holding a laptop in a server room


As healthcare moves toward home settings, our cybersecurity experts conduct thorough initial assessments. Then we can help implement the robust security solutions to improve your security posture, proactively mitigate risks, and ensure HIPPA compliance.

Learn more 

Three people working together in an office, using laptops and tablets

End-user experiences

Get unbiased advice to help you select the devices, management tools, and financing solutions that align with your needs. Our team also ensures seamless device operation across settings, promoting adoption among clinical staff and improving satisfaction.

Learn more 

A person wearing headphones working on a laptop

Communications and collaboration

SHI designs then integrates collaboration tools that enable secure, efficient communication experiences between your healthcare teams and patients. Our extensive technical expertise simplifies IT management and creates unified workflows for enhanced care experiences.

Learn more 

Funding Actualized webinar series

In this quarterly webinar series, we zero in on an exciting new grant, discussing the qualifications needed to procure future funding and technology. Our dedicated teams of funding specialists and solution engineers illustrate how you can seize this opportunity and propel your technology projects forward.

Register here 



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Ready to transform healthcare delivery?

Contact SHI Healthcare today to discover how our secure, scalable IT solutions can elevate patient experiences and streamline clinical workflows.

Contact us
Video Transcript: Video title

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Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim. Aliquam lorem