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Unified endpoint management

Monitor and manage all your endpoints with a single, modern solution

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Nowadays, it feels like the process of buying and managing your end-user devices never ends. But with exploding demands for remote work and employee choice, slowing down means losing out.

To retain talent in an industry short on labor, you need modern devices and tools users actually want to use. But empowering employees to work where and how they choose while still securely managing your hybrid workplace is a formidable challenge.

SHI stays up to date on the latest IT developments, so you don’t have to. We help you choose the best management strategy for your distributed devices – without the headaches.

We gain a deep understanding of your environment, applying our proven technology expertise to help unlock full control, management, and monitoring across all your end-user devices.

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How to deploy an expert hybrid strategy the right way with SHI 

With SHI, you can easily build a hybrid workplace that enables your teams to perform their best work.

August 25, 2022

Video Transcript: Video title

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Deploy the right device management strategy for your business and your users.

To achieve your goals with a distributed workforce, you need to manage all your devices effectively and securely – no matter their location, OS, or form factor.

By leveraging a unified endpoint management strategy, you can streamline your approach while maximizing your capabilities. And with help from SHI’s assessments, proofs of concept, testing labs, and workshops, you can be confident the solution you select will be the best one for your business.

We have over three decades of experience helping IT teams like yours control and secure your diverse devices and applications, all while improving ROI by driving user adoption.

Woman sitting at a computer thumbnail

How global organizations scale the mountain of end-user device growth 

Reach the summit of successful end-user device management with modern management technology.

October 24, 2022

Leverage up-to-the-minute industry expertise.

Your device management solution should work across multiple platforms and help configure, enroll, secure, control, and monitor all your devices from a single console.

SHI has the capabilities, technology, processes, and depth of offerings to provide end-user device management that caters to your business objectives without hindering productivity.

We have over 1,000 certified technical experts who keep up-to-date with the latest developments and insights from the industry, including regular training, conference attendance, and weekly calls with top-tier OEMs – all to help you build an industry-leading solution.

Woman sitting at a desk

How to beat supply chain constraints by working with a solution provider 

Global organizations are deploying new tactics to ensure business continuity in the modern workplace.

October 17, 2022

Unlock secure, compliant endpoint management across different technologies.

Optimal performance requires unimpeded access to collaboration tools, business applications, and corporate data.

SHI’s endpoint management solution gives you actionable insight to make better device management decisions. We enable your users with the flexibility to choose the device of their liking – without compromising security.

With our device management service, you can secure your end-user devices from a simple interface. Enforce policies on all devices with just a few clicks, ensuring you can swiftly discover and tackle vulnerabilities.

Coworkers working on ipad

Streamline IT and transform the device experience for your hybrid workforce.

It’s your objective to ensure every user has the right device for their needs, along with the support required to keep their workflow running smoothly – whether they be onsite or remote, computers or mobile devices, or corporate- or privately owned.

SHI acts as your single point of contact for support, providing unified management of all your endpoints via a single platform.

With our expert management of multiple form factors and vendor products, including our Zero Touch X over-the-air provisioning, you can unlock employee device choice while eliminating management headaches and IT hands-on.

Man and woman with computers infront of them looking at graphs

Access flexible financing on your terms.

You need a single solution to manage and monitor all your endpoints. And the best part? Streamlining IT also gives you the chance to optimize overheads and expenditure.

SHI’s vendor relationships ensure access to competitive commercial options packaged the way you want – CapEx, OpEx or as-a-Service – combining OEM and third-party components to create the most value.

Once your solution is up and running, save even more time and money by centralizing configuration, deployment, and support through a single dashboard. If issues arise, our single point of accountability will be there to simplify the support process and reduce device downtime.

Man and woman looking at a laptop together

Manage and secure all your devices while delivering an optimal endpoint experience.

SHI has decades-long partnerships with the industry’s leading technology providers, enabling us to provide the most comprehensive and modern device management solution.

Get your next big idea from SHI’s device management experts.

Coworkers meeting in conference room

Transforming the modern workplace with SHI 

Discover how IT leaders can achieve modern workplace IT transformation with confidence and at scale.

September 21, 2022
 A person is sitting on a couch and using a laptop next to a window

Want to keep top talent? Unified endpoint management is here to help 

You can empower employees to work where and how they choose without sacrificing security or control.

May 17, 2023
Man sitting infront of computer with headphones on

4 steps to easily support your hybrid workers’ needs 

Shifting from survival to success starts with ensuring both business outcomes and great employee experiences.

June 14, 2022
Coworkers meeting in conference room

Why modern management is key to a productive and profitable workforce 

Hybrid work and labor shortages are forcing global organizations to sharpen their focus on end-user technology.

September 26, 2022

Ready to streamline your end-user device management?

Contact us today to get started!

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