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Secure web gateway

A critical line of defense for your organization

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Stand up to web-based threats with enforced policies and filtering.

The absence of a robust security gateway significantly amplifies the risk to an organization’s digital assets, which could lead to unauthorized access, data theft, and disruption of business operations. Without the security barrier provided by a secure web gateway (SWG), a ransomware attack could effectively hold an organization hostage, leading to financial and reputational harm.

When an organization is in the process of selecting a secure web gateway, several critical factors come into play that could complicate the decision. SHI will partner with you to remove the complexity and ensure the right solution for your organization, shielding your users from online threats and protecting your sensitive data.

A group of five professionals engaged in a discussion around a table with laptops
A person holding a tablet in a modern office environment

Web filtering

SWG solutions help you make data-driven selections based on company size, remote work policies, and regulatory requirements. Our assessments and roadmaps provide insight into selection, deployment, and management. Control access to websites and web applications based on security policies, ensuring users only visit safe and authorized sites.

Two professionals examining a laptop together near a window

Real-time threat detection

With the constant evolution of threats, real-time threat detection is essential. SWGs use advanced algorithms and machine learning to identify and mitigate threats as they happen, reducing the risk of a successful attack.

Two individuals working at a multi-monitor computer setup in a busy office environment

Data loss prevention

Sensitive data is a prime target for cybercriminals. SWGs include DLP features to prevent the unauthorized transfer of confidential information from outside your organization, safeguarding the integrity of your data.

A person is seated at a wooden table, reviewing a document while also using a laptop and talking on the phone

Secure remote work

In today’s era of remote work, securing connections beyond the traditional office perimeter is critical. SWGs enable secure access for remote employees, ensuring they can work safely from anywhere.

A group of professionals in a meeting room, reviewing data on a tablet

Regulatory compliance

Many industries have strict regulatory requirements for data protection. SWGs help you maintain compliance by monitoring and controlling the flow of data in and out of your organization.

Get advanced protection with SHI and our valued partners.

Your gateway to a secure and controlled online experience, enhanced by industry-leading partnerships.

Spotlight on customer success

See how our teams and partners help organizations like yours achieve superior business and security outcomes.

Three participants in a discussion with a document
Case study

National law firm adopts winning endpoint defense with SHI and SentinelOne 

When one of the largest injury law firms in the U.S. learned their cyber insurance required a robust modernization of their endpoint security strategy, their IT security team needed to identify the best solution to support a rapidly growing, nationwide team of 3,000+ employees — and fast.

A doctor and patient in a consultation
Case study

Growing healthcare provider offers specialized care with a simplified security solution 

A large healthcare provider underwent major changes, requiring a simplified cybersecurity solution to consolidate their sister companies and ease their growth, despite time constraints and expiring technology solutions.

Logan finance IT overhaul with SHI complete
Case study

Logan Finance overhauls every level of IT with SHI Complete  

The customer completely transformed their security, networking, cloud, IT support, and employee experience—all with the same SHI solution.

Shield your users and protect your data.

Contact us today to get started!

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