Unleash the savings and efficiencies within your virtual network.
Interested in discovering how Virtual SAN (vSAN) can optimize your environment? SHI can help!
Our VMware vSAN Assessment tool helps you validate vSAN's benefits by providing TCO analysis, hardware guidance and sizing recommendations specific to your infrastructure – in just one week!
The Process
Our VMware experts work with you for one week to install the vSAN Assessment software, analyze your environment, and provide business and technical recommendations to maximize your IT investment.
vSAN Assessment Software tools and procedures include:
vSAN Assessment Portal
This SaaS-based application receives I/O traces from your infrastructures and presents detailed results.
vSAN Assessment Tool Collector
Gathers data from your environment and sends it to the Assessment Portal – without collecting or storing any sensitive information.
Environment Analysis
Identifies all virtual machines that are suitable candidates for vSAN and the best-fit architecture (hybrid or all-flash).
TCO and Sizing Calculator
Automatically imports and reviews vSAN cluster sizing recommendations gathered through the Environment Analysis and provides vSAN savings by year, TCO without vSAN, and TCO with vSAN.
- A dedicated SHI-VMware team, consisting of pre-sales support, renewal and technical pre-sales experts
- Customized reporting results
- Cluster sizing and hardware recommendations
- Estimated storage savings (CAPEX vs. OPEX)
- TCO analysis comparison
Contact us today to begin unlocking your VSAN deployment’s full potential!
Interested in seeing all of the assessments we have to offer?
Click here to view our wide variety of assessments for your your cloud deployment, security, network and end-user devices.