License Position

Ask yourself: "How much software do we have from vendor x, how is it licensed, do we have any risks of compliance and are we using the most effective licensing options?"

If the answer to any or all of the above is “I don’t know,” you need help to create an Optimized License Position for that software publisher.

Whether it's Adobe, IBM, Microsoft, Oracle, VMware, or any other strategic software publisher, SHI can help you keep on top of your software usage and licensing with our expert services.

Establishing an Optimized License Position with SHI will tell you:

How much software you have deployed
What Entitlements you own
If you have a potential compliance risk
Whether deployed software is being used
How entitlements reconcile with usage
If you are likely spending too much

This service will help you:

  • Optimize annual true-ups
  • Identify potential audit risks
  • Highlight security threats posed by older applications
  • Ensure adoption is in line with entitlements
  • Save up to 30% on software licensing
  • Rationalize software contracts & manage contract renewals
  • Remediate license under-utilization

Go from Effective to Optimized

Using a four-stage methodology, SHI’s licensing experts establish your current licensing position for in-scope software publishers and deliver recommendations on how to optimize it.


SHI takes it a step further with optimization recommendations:

In addition to delivering your ELP, SHI’s licensing gurus offer optimization recommendations.

Starting from the established Effective License Position, our software licensing and SAM consultants use their extensive knowledge of the publisher’s many licensing schemes to identify areas for potential optimization.

SHI's Licensing experts will look at all the options across the platforms, apps and vendors in scope, providing you with a full range of options that might include redeploying existing licenses or changing license types, negotiating new contracts and agreements, or changing support contracts. All options will be considered in line with your program and business goals, including:

  • Uninstalling un- or under-used software for redeployment to new staff
  • Adjusting licensing schemes to better fit actual consumption
  • Upgrading license agreements where better financial terms are available
  • Reducing volumes for software support and maintenance contracts
  • Negotiating with vendors to trade unwanted licenses for new subscriptions
  • Centralizing duplicate or multiple software agreements into one
  • Switching vendors to escape restrictive licensing agreements

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Which software publishers can be optimized?

All of them. While the most common software vendors we are asked to review include Adobe, Microsoft, Oracle and VMware, optimization is an exercise that can be carried out against any software publisher, including new SaaS vendors.

Learn more about SHI's SaaS Optimization Services here

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Looking to optimize your 365 licenses?

SHI has a specialized team of Microsoft licensing experts on hand to perform a free health check on your Microsoft 365 and Office 365 estate.

Learn more about our 365 Optimization Services here

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